Studying at the university is a collaboration between teachers and students. The focus is on a topic or content chosen by the teacher. The teaching staff guide the lesson by promoting and moderating joint work on the topic. The study participants are also actively involved in developing the topic at the university. Through the contributions of study participants and the professional preparation of topics by the teachers, an intellectual study content is developed in the sense of the social process in such a way that so-called life forces are created. This is particularly the case when Heinz Grill himself provides impulses, leads exercises and develops a topic with the students.
09:00 – 11:00
Short introduction to the topic of the day
Yoga exercises
First warm main meal
There is a new idea regarding the eating rhythm that opens up the possibility of stepping out of one’s eating habits with two meals a day (at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.).
ca. 12:00 – 13:00
Text work – work with selected texts.
13:00 – ca. 17:30
Practical units in the various fields of activity:
Interior and exterior design, art, music, ecology.
Units for deepening meditation and soul exercises.
Private Study
Second warm main meal / dinner
Getting to know a healthy nutrition. This is based on the thoughts and content of Heinz Grill, e.g. from his book “Nutrition and the inner sense of giving”
ca. 18:45 – ca. 19.30
Evening session, moderated by Heinz Grill or other teachers:
Summarizing and reflecting on the content of the day,
rhetoric training, outlook for the coming day
Possibility of a short presentation by study participants
Independent daily reflection, daily review, writing in the study book.
Yoga as a exercise of consciousness

Participation in the yoga session is possible for everyone, regardless of experience and flexibility. The focus is on creating an exercise from consciousness. You form ideas that underlie the spiritual laws of the respective yoga exercise and express them. For example, the principles of movement of the individual chakras are studied and trained in the yoga pose. By starting from a thought and shaping the body from there, yoga training becomes easier and takes on an artistic and creative character. This understanding gained through the exercises can be transferred to social life.
The basis is the content of Heinz Grill through him personally and from his books, e.g: “The Soul Dimension of Yoga”.
Text work, soul exercises and meditation

In text work, the conscious, objective reading and imagining of a text in which an inner wisdom or spiritual essence lives is trained. The experience arises that the thought is recreated by the reader, and only then can its inherent wisdom and light be perceived and expressed.
Every soul exercise begins with concrete attention and perception of a visible object or mental content. The aim is for the object itself to open up to the observer in its deeper reality. In this way, the exercises lead to the hidden spiritual world that lies behind the visible phenomena and expresses itself through subtle, silent sensations of truth.
The foundations for the practice of objective meditation are developed and deepened during the course. At the beginning, a meditation object, i.e. an inspirational content or an object, is chosen. The starting point for meditation lies in a kind of duality, from the self to the object. The practitioner does not immediately unite with the object, but trains himself in objective contemplation, in pictorial imagination and concentration development. Inner calm and concentration, sama* and dharana, are preparatory steps for meditation, dhyana.
* sama, dharana, dhyana are Sanskrit terms for inner peace, concentration and meditation
Creative Design Days

Creative design days provide the opportunity to experience the practical realisation of ideals. Artistically creating together outdoors and indoors under guidance enable everyone to have new experiences of how to put spiritual content into practice. Examples of the design work are wall paintings, colour designs or enhancing rooms with forms made from stones and tiles. Working together is being developed on the basis of the social process.
Culture and Walking Days

Once a week, participants of study course leave the usual study environment of Lundo and travel to a chosen place in the surrounding region. The aim of a cultural day is to approach and experience other places with an alert and attentive awareness through conscious perception.
Seeing and creating life forces in nature
As smaller units, students learn to see the forces of life in nature.
The Human Form cannot be comprehended merely by looking at its surface; it is necessary to uncover its interior, to recognise its parts, to notice the connections between them, to know the differences, to inform oneself of effect and counter-effect, to memorise the hidden, the dormant, the foundation of appearance, if one really wants to see and imitate that which moves before our eyes as a beautiful, undivided whole in living waves.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832)