Regeneration days in Lundo

Constant stress of all kinds and chronic overload characterize the everyday lives of many people today.
There is an increasing need for rest and regeneration.

Lundo, the small village between the Brenta Dolomites and the mediterranean Lake Garda area at an altitude of approx. 764 m, offers the best conditions for a regenerative stay with its quiet location, clean air and fascinating views of the wide “Valli Giudicaria” valley.

The small mountain village of Lundo has around 135 inhabitants. The area is very natural with lots of fresh air and hardly any cell phone smog.
The view of the Brenta Dolomites from Lundo can give you a feeling of space and a new perspective.
On some days, the particularly beautiful and powerful sphere of light …
… can be observed on the contours of the mountains.

Embedded in the activities offered by the university – yoga practice, artistic design work, music and singing, wholesome nutrition, mountain hiking – those seeking relaxation experience an immediate regenerative impulse when they are ready to let go of something old and adapt to completely new content that is beneficial for their development in every respect.

They begin to understand how important it is for them to learn to exceed their limits in a healthy way through appropriate challenges and usually experience a noticeable improvement immediately.

Ascent, about 30 minutes through the forest to the seminar house in Naone.
The seminar house in Naone is situated in a forest clearing in a quiet location at an altitude of approx. 1000 m.
Artistic design work.
You can get to know a healthy nutrition, varied and creatively designed
… at lunch and dinner together.
e.g. the Indian flatbread, naan bread, made with baking ferment, served with thoran vegetables.
Option to refresh yourself in the cool plunge pool.
Landscape design in interaction with a common idea that connects.
Hikes in different, shorter and longer mountain zones.
Observations of nature with study and development of the life forces in nature.

Participation in the regeneration days is possible for everyone. The individual situation is always taken into account and no spiritual knowledge is required.

24.- 30. march 2025
16.- 22. june 2025
11.- 17. august 2025
13.- 19. october 2025

Start on the first day at 9:00 a.m.; end on the last day at 1:00 p.m.

Telephon: 0049-(0)1575-3558959